Ramsey Research Foundation
The Ramsey Research Foundation works to ensure the security and sustainability of the world’s pollinator biodiversity. They provide grants to communities to support education about and care for pollinators.
The brand identity design focused on making an adaptable brand that was rooted and approachable. The choice of colors and typefaces were meant to draw from the existing language of the images taken while in the field. It was imperative to focus on legibility and accessibility of this brand from typography to website.
Ramsey Research Foundation Primary Logotype
Ramsey Research Foundation Color Palette
Ramsey Research Foundation Logo Variations in Color Palette
Ramsey Research Foundation Logo Design Description
Ramsey Research Foundation Typography Palette
The website for the Ramsey Research Foundation is meant to be engaging and educational. The research is in the forefront and the images are celebrated through full-screen display with description boxes hovering. The use of detailed imagery allows the viewer to see through the eyes of the entomologist and develop a deeper understanding with the science. The design is adaptable to various screen sizes through hovers and slide-in panels to highlight deeper information.